Monday, November 15, 2010

Kenny 5 months Today

Today Kenny is 5 mos old. He has grown so much. He has started to eat a little solid foods, like baby rice cereal, bananas and apple sauce and peaches. He likes bananas the best. He also has started to wake up 2 times a night again, so I guess a growing spurt. I was hoping introducing solids would help, but not so. Friday he went on his first outing, in the jogging stroller. Even though he cried for the first 10 minutes, he seemed to enjoy it after we got started. We went on a neighborhood field trip to look at leaves. Daniel put his sunglasses on him, Kenny seemed to like it. He is giggling a lot more now. He is rolling from front to back and back to front and loves chewing on toys. He is also cutting his bottom 2 teeth, they are about to break through. With the Holidays coming I am excited to see what else comes our way.


Jen said...

I love the one where he is smiling while you are kissing him. He sure loves his momma!

Happy 5th month, Kenny!

Morgan said...

very sweet. love the one with you and all three@@@